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Getting to Know Our 2020/21 Senior School Prefects!

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Now that our Senior School Prefects have had a chance to settle into their new roles, let’s get to know a little bit more about them, why they ran for their positions, what they are looking forward to this year, as well as an interesting fact about each of them. Ava Dryden – Head Prefect Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I decided to run for the Head Prefect because of the exciting opportunity to make a positive change in my school community and do my best to make this year amazing for everyone! What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?Over the course of this year, I am excited to bring some of mine and the rest of the Prefect team’s ideas to life! I want to ensure assemblies are fun and engaging with games and show the importance of supporting this year’s charities with exciting muftis like Pyjama Day! As a member of Round Square, I understand the importance of supporting our community, especially throughout these times, so I am excited to support the initiatives of the Round Square committee and do my best to persevere this year to make it one to remember!What is an interesting fact about yourself?I love playing sports, especially soccer and competitive swimming! Corin Wallace -  Head Prefect  Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? When I was considering whether I should run or not, I thought back to watching Angus, Tori and the rest of the prefect team when I was in Grade 9. I decided I wanted to make a positive impact like they had on me. What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?This year we’re looking to give the students more chances to have power within the community. So many things are different this year—it’s the perfect time to create change. What is an interesting fact about yourself?I have blond hair. Also my left foot is slightly bigger than my right.  Ian Ferguson – Males Games Captain Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? We have a lot of challenges this year, but for all the external challenges we need to keep challenging ourselves—we need to keep pushing ourselves and each other. I figure I’m a guy who can do that. What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?This year is going to be tough. I want to push for and promote the use of recreational facilities in and around the school, as well as trying to continue intramural sports and recognize the athletes we have at the school.What is an interesting fact about yourself?I fly planes. Brooke Taylor – Female Games Captain  Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I decided to run for this position because I love sports and competition. I wanted to create fun opportunities for members of GNS to play and compete in, despite the challenges we may face with COVID-19. What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?I am looking to organize more opportunities to play games and have tournaments, athletic as well as non-athletic. What is an interesting fact about yourself?I kiteboard. Alex Finn – Service Prefect Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I decided to run for a Prefect position because I thought that Service Prefect itself is an important role in helping everyone in finding meaningful and enjoyable ways to connect and spend the rare time that isn’t devoted to academics to something that feels worthwhile on a personal level.What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?I’m hoping to promote COVID-19 safe service this year starting with online avenues and platforms. I’m also hoping to promote collaboration in service so that people can work together to fulfill service internally in ways that are able to help on broader levels and still maintain hours and CAS requirements. Really though my most important goal is probably to make sure that volunteering feels accessible to everyone and like everyone has options. What is an interesting fact about yourself?I spent a term in Western Australia in Grade 10 Hannah Yin – Cultural Prefect Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I decided to run for cultural prefect because I really enjoy organizing and planning. I’m also quite fascinated about different cultures and how that influences each of our perspectives. What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?Cultural awareness. There’s a never-ending list of fun facts within each culture, even if one has to rack their brains a little bit to remember. My goal is to share these through games, activities and assemblies.What is an interesting fact about yourself?I guess an interesting fact about myself is that I have watched more than 126 TV series. Great (not really) use of my time.  Erica Patrick – Arts Prefect  Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I decided to run for a prefect position because I wanted a way to be more involved in the school community and to help with things behind the scenes. I also think it’s a great opportunity to practice leadership skills, and to connect with my peers over a subject I’m passionate about (art).What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?I know lots of students are very creative, but might struggle with expressing that creativity in the school environment, and so I’m hoping to continue to promote the arts as a prominent part of GNS and to bring creativity more into daily life and learning.What is an interesting fact about yourself?I love writing songs, and I have my own music on music platforms like Spotify and Apple Music! Sophie Van Cuylenborg – SAC Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I felt that it was a perfect opportunity to be able to make a positive change in my school community and continue to make GNS a place for everyone.What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?I can’t wait to organize lots of fun festive activities for the school around the holidays! As well, hopefully a puppy destressing day before exams.What is an interesting fact about yourself?I can water and snow ski! Marisa Smith – Environment and Adventure Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I ran for a Perfect position because I was interested in advocating more GNS involvement in the environment and continuing the work of the past environmental prefects. What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?This year, I  will be promoting more opportunities to get involved in the environment through the Environmental Club like environmental service activities and hikes. I also want to promote environmental arts-based challenges like photo and art challenges. These initiatives will be promoted alongside my roles’ traditional duties like updating the school recycling plan and communicating with the school community about activities they are passionate about. What is an interesting fact about yourself?I can make a pretty-decent stir fry if you have low expectations. Gabrielle MacPherson – Ambassador Prefect Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I have been at GNS my whole life and have always wanted to give back to the community. I was a tour guide all through Middle and Senior School and loved getting to show off the wonderful parts of our school.What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?I am hoping to work with the Communications Department to create videos for each extra-curricular club so students and families from all around the world can see all the opportunities at GNS! What is an interesting fact about yourself?I love to ski!  Morgan Macdonald – Grad Prefect  Why did you decide to run for a Prefect position? I decided to run for Grad Prefect because I think I’m very organized and good at getting things planned out, plus I’ve always loved planning events! I’m also a very creative person, so I thought my skills would apply well to the position–and designing grad wear!What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?I’m hoping to plan lots of cross-grade initiatives that incorporate different friend groups so people get to venture out of their usual friend groups and get to know each other. One example of this was the grad pumpkin carving that we did in October!What is an interesting fact about yourself?I play guitar and bass, and love collecting records for my record collection and writing album reviews for my music blog.