The GNS Society Board is the guardian of the school’s philosophy and goals.
Glenlyon Norfolk School is operated by a society, in accordance with the Society’s Act of British Columbia.
Membership is restricted to alumni over the age of nineteen (19) years, to parents of students and alumni, and to Honorary members as outlined in the Society bylaws. Any person eligible for membership in the Society may become a member of the Society upon payment of the annual dues. If you are interested in becoming a Society member, please download, complete and return the Society Membership form.
We encourage everyone to become involved in the governance of our school. Please consider volunteering to sit on a Board Committee. It is through the efforts of many dedicated volunteers that we have such a great school. Please contact the Board Chair and offer your assistance.
In accordance with the Societies Act and the GNS Bylaws section 7.1.1, Elected Governors, in order to stand for election, you: