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Links to resources and information for school families.

gns brand on uniform

Welcome to the GNS Families Hub.

Here you will find useful links, resources, announcements and news while a member of the GNS community. If you have suggestions for additional pieces of information, please email Please note, that some of these resources may require logging in to our Blackbaud student information system.


A password-protected area that provides current families with access to online tools that allow them to securely perform tasks such as update health information, find consent forms, or order lunches.

Report an Absence

If your child is going to be absent or late, please send the information to the appropriate contact:

School Bus Service

Glenlyon Norfolk School and St. Michaels University School share transportation services. The latest version of the combined GNS/SMUS Bus Routes and Maps, which are subject to change.

GNS Camps

Throughout the year, Glenlyon Norfolk School operates a variety of safe, engaging and fun camp programs during the summer, spring and winter breaks.

Annual Appeal

Donations to the Annual Appeal from families and staff, both current and former, as well as alumni, have created a vibrant culture of philanthropy at GNS and supported our school in many different ways.

School Lunch Program

GNS is pleased partner with Dana Hospitality to offer a lunch program to students every day of the week at both campuses. The pre-order menu and the ability to load funds to your child’s account are done through your MySchoolAccount. The cut-off time to order for the following week is Sunday night at 9 p.m.


Strategic Directions for Glenlyon Norfolk School

Approved by the GNS Society Board on December 3, 2022, the school’s renewed mission statement and new strategic directions express our ongoing commitment to provide an exceptional experience for our students and families.

Parents’ Auxiliary Community

All parents, grandparents, and guardians of students attending GNS are automatically members of the Parents’ Auxiliary Community (PAC). Our community is strongest when we support one another. Together we can do so much to support, nurture and provide an amazing learning environment for all GNS students.

The Gryphon Door

The Gryphon Door school store is located on the Pemberton Woods Campus, across the courtyard from the Main Building. The school store stocks all of the required uniform items, school-crested clothing, gifts, and a selection of gently used clothing. Parents are also welcome to shop for uniform items via the Gryphon Door Online.

Summer Reading

Each summer, students in Grades 3 to 12 are provided age-appropriate reading lists. Depending on the grade, students may be required to read one or more books to prepare for classes in September.

Grade 12
Grade 11
Grade 10
Grade 9
Grade 8
Grade 7
Grade 6
Grade 5
Grade 4
Grade 3

School Supplies

  • At the Junior School, school supplies are provided in class by the classroom teacher.
  • At the Senior School, teachers inform students during the first few days of school about what supplies they require for their individual courses.
  • For Middle School students, school supplies can be purchased through the online store and picked up in August.
  • For those that wish to shop for the items themselves, these are the lists of required supplies:

  • Throughout the year, basic school supplies for Grades 6 to 12 can be purchased at the Gryphon Door.

Tech Services

Laptop subscriptions, support and how-to’s—our tech team is here to help!
