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Getting to know the 2021/22 Senior School Prefect Team

GNSGNS photo
Harrison Starke – Games Captain 

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I thought it would be a good leadership opportunity, as well as have some insight into what’s been done previous years, and I thought I would be a good fit for the position. I’m a big sports player, so that’s obviously the main reason I went for Games Captain. Last year, I was involved in a lot of sports so I thought that range of experience would help as well. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

Trying to get everyone involved in some activity of some sort. I know in November we are going to start to run intramurals such as dodgeball and volleyball, so hoping to promote more of that later. So far, we ran a games night for the new students at Windsor Park as well as organizing the Terry Fox Run in the Senior School. 

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I have been at GNS for 13 years, so I came in Junior Kindergarten. 

Calla Roberts – Head Prefect

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I’ve always wanted to be Prefect, ever since the Middle School elections because I like the idea of being able to make a difference in the GNS community, especially where I think it needs to be changed from the perspective of a student. Also, to be able to do some fun initiatives for assemblies. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

I’m planning some fun winter holiday type assemblies. Also, I want to focus on building community throughout the school so things like Fun Day (I didn’t plan it, but helped with it) to help promote coming together and break those cohorts we were used to last year. It’s great to see everyone together and having fun again with those intergrade connections. 

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I’m a triplet. I have someone who looks just like me running around the school, and a brother. I’m very creative, I don’t take many math and science courses, but I do acting and basically anything to do with fabric. I sew, needle felt, embroider and all of that. 

Jack Barry – Ambassador Prefect 

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I wanted to run for the Prefect position because of the community. I think GNS has such a vibrant, enthusiastic and wonderful community. As Ambassador Prefect I think it’s both important to promote that community and help other people partake and enjoy it. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

We are trying to promote a lot more open house stuff. It wasn’t on the table last year because of COVID-19 restrictions, and I think with that we have these buddy systems for students coming into the school and for the parents and guardians of potential students.

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I am very into theatre and drama, and I very much promote the productions we do at GNS. So, definitely come and watch them because we put a lot of time into them and a lot of energy. I think they are a really fun thing to come see.