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Getting to know the 2021/22 Senior School Prefect Team

GNSGNS photo
Devan Duquette – Female Games Captain

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I was really interested in a leadership position in general, and I figured sports fits pretty well because I play a lot of sports in my daily life. I was also really excited about the opportunity. I’ve been at GNS for so long so I feel like I have a lot to bring to the community. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

We have already planned a couple of things for new students and international students, but for the most part what I’m looking forward to is having games to bring the Senior School together. So, I think we are planning to do a sports afternoon in the spring and intramurals throughout the year —I think they will be really fun. 

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I’ve played a whole bunch of sports. I started playing basketball, and then I got into volleyball and was rock climbing for a while. I’ve done karate, rowing—I’ve pretty much done everything. 

Matt Dang – Student Activity Council Prefect/Gryphon Government

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I ran for the Prefect position to be a voice for the students at our school, especially with the position I ran for. It’s the best opportunity to represent the voices around our school. Also, my brother ran for it as well, and was the Prefect three years ago. I guess the family lineage is there. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

I’m just trying to run newer stuff this year. We always do dances every year, and I’m just trying to switch it up and use our space and materials as best as possible, especially with COVID-19. 

We have already planned the Fun Activity afternoon. Mrs. Nielson helped to put it together, and it’s a pleasure to work with her—she’s been really helpful. 

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

My brother was the SAC Prefect as well.