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Grade 12 Retreat

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On Friday, September 14, the Class of 2019 class took part in the annual Grade 12 Retreat at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Victoria.Under the expert guidance of Mr. Palm, Mr. Thoreau, Ms. Neilson, Mme. Girard and Ms. Nordin, the soon-to-be-graduates took part in team building activities and worked together to identify areas on which they wanted to focus during the next 10 months. During the morning, the Grade 12’s took part in Open Space sessions, answering questions like “What do you see as important ways that we are connected at GNS?” and “What are some ways we can best engage with the school this year?” Later, they spent time discussing the many opportunities they had to effect positive change and enhance the enjoyments of their fellow grads and others at the Senior School. The consensus they built will be used as the foundation for what already appears to be a rewarding and enjoyable final year at GNS.