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Grade 4s Take the Lead with Beach Cleanup

Junior School
GNSGNS photo

Written by Michelle Sodnompil and Mila Plett (both Grade 4) On September 16, 2020, the Grade 4 classes cleaned up the beach in front of our school. We found paper towels, glass, lots of plastic, a doormat and lots of other odd things. We kept track of the type of garbage. Each class added up the total amount of each type of garbage, sharing their data with their teacher. We then figured out the total amount of garbage collected. Ms. Seliwoniuk’s class collected 251 pieces and Mrs. McCall’s class collected 372 pieces. Ms. Cantwell came to explain about her volunteer work with Surfrider Foundation Vancouver Island. Surfriders is an organization that cleans beaches all over the world. We are going to create a Mini-Surfriders Club for Grade 4 students who are interested in cleaning up our beach twice a month during the school year. Let’s clean up!! — Picking up the garbage we see on our local beaches or in our parks is a simple act that can have lasting consequences. Well done to the Grade 4s on taking the lead with this important service to our community.