Throughout the day, students could be seen congregating in the halls, chatting and catching up with each other. Many of the topics included delayed flights due to the weather and fun activities involving snow.
“Winter Break was definitely a pro. I was able to relax, spend time with friends and family, and write,” said Reese Suntok ’26.
For Kate Roed ’26, a “good” Winter Break includes no set wake-up time, free time and no socializing. “I’m looking forward to more Spanish learning and classes, as well as Spring Break,” she said.
“For my break, I spent New Year’s with my friends. We chatted, and watched shows,” said Brock ’26. “We ate a traditional Dutch food called Olieballen which are pastries deep fried with raisins and doused in icing sugar.”
For Nathan Holtum ’26, his break included a little traveling. “My break was amazing as I was able to go to Vancouver. I also had the privilege to go to Mount Washington to ski. My break overall was a very nice chill, exciting time with lots of snow and cold weather!”
Students also agreed that coming back from the holidays was stressful and that it was difficult going back to the pre-holiday routines.
“I mostly hibernated throughout the Winter Break so going back to school feels weird, but it’s starting to become a routine again,” said Ming Chiao ’26.
“Coming back from the holidays was pretty stressful,” agreed Reese. “Forming a new schedule after doing whatever I wanted for about a month was harder than I expected.”
Besides re-adjusting to the strenuous routine of school, Senior School clubs such as Round Square have hit the ground running. On their first meeting on Wednesday, students and teachers were already working on and planning new initiatives. A couple of current initiatives include a talent show supporting the Trevor Project, a new recycling system to help the environment, and naloxone-training sessions for Senior School students.
For Grade 9s, the Winter Term is a particularly stressful time because of the upcoming Grade 9 Science Fair Exhibition! Set for February 8, this exhibition allows students to showcase the science projects that they’ve designed on their own with guidance from their science teachers. Students also get a chance to be judged and possibly selected for the more competitive Greater Victoria Regionals Science Fair!
Welcome back, Grade 9s! The year of 2023 is off to an exciting start and there is much to look forward to!