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Junior School Round Square Stays Busy

Junior School
GNSGNS photo

During the last few months, the Junior School Round Square members were able to stay busy and focus on community action. Students adapted and thought of creative ways to take action and show community members they care for and support them during COVID-19. Through these actions, they were hoping to inspire other students in our GNS community to take action, too. In doing this, the Junior School Round Square students exemplify this year’s motto of ‘Together We Build Community!’ 

Students went above and beyond in their community actions, which included making cinnamon buns and cookies for their neighbours; expressing gratitude for front line workers by making noise at 7 p.m.; painting rocks with messages for people to enjoy; performing in concerts for neighbours; creating paper hearts to put on windows; sharing seedlings of kale and broccoli; leaving surprise care packages for friends on front steps filled with books, baked treats and notes; shopping for groceries for others; donating to the food bank; and the list goes on! 

Watch Junior School Round Square member Akiaus ’28 perform a special concert for his neighbours. 

Way to go Junior School Round Square!