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New Year, New Initiatives!

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Once again, the Senior School Round Square has hit the ground running after Winter Break, wrapping up last year’s activities and opening space for new initiatives.

Last year’s Winter Market was a huge success, as the Round Square raised a total of $552! This was accomplished with an auction table, selling a variety of goods, as well as a gift basket raffle for the staff. This wouldn’t have been possible without the enthusiastic involvement of the GNS community, and the money raised will go to the United Way to help with the BC Flood Relief.

This week in assembly, there was a short video introducing the community to struggles faced by individuals with leukemia—a cancer of the blood cells that commonly affects children. If you would like to rewatch the video, it is linked here: Kira’s Story 60-second Version.

This year, on February 25, it is GNS’ Day of Giving. Students are invited to wear casual clothing provided they bring in a can of non-perishable food or donate money for a food drive.

In support of Canadian Blood Services and as part of Blood Drive and Stem Cell Registry awareness month, a blood drive is currently in the works. A Google Form is circulating to gauge interest can be found here: Round Square Blood Donation Google Form. The form is not a commitment or agreement to donate blood. There are a few restrictions to evaluate eligibility to donate blood, so please visit Canadian Blood Services- Blood Donation Eligibility to learn more or take the Canadian Blood Service Eligibility Quiz

Once the logistics have been approved, a sign-up form will be circulated. The tentative date is February 25 to coincide with GNS’ Day of Giving. Eligible participants will be bused to the nearest Canadian Blood Services site.

As a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Round Square will be hosting their annual Candy Gram sale, with sales beginning on Monday, February 7, so remember to bring in a few toonies and loonies!

February is a busy month, so stay tuned for more Round Square updates!