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Catching Up with the Senior School Round Square’s Spring Activities

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The Senior School Round Square is currently raising awareness for three organizations; the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a conservation organization that works to protect both wildlife and people; Save the Children, the world’s leading independent organization for children; and Surfrider Vancouver Island, a branch of an international organization working to protect the environment.


March 3 is celebrated as WWF Day. The WWF was established in 1961, operates in nearly 100 countries, advocating and working tirelessly to protect the environment. In 2006, the WWF stopped a proposal for what would have been the world’s largest oil palm plantation, which threatened to destroy the last remaining forests of Borneo. 


The WWF has a symbolic species adoption program; with kits that come complete with a plush, photo, and adoption certificate. The contributions raised support the WWF’s efforts to protect the environment and habitat of the adopted species.


Save the Children has been advocating for the rights of children around the world and working to support those most in need for nearly 100 years. In addition to providing basic needs such as food, water and shelter, Save the Children uses donated funds to ensure that children will have opportunities. “Gifts of Joy,” a donation fund ranging from $20 to $200, provides these children with livestock, clean water, access to education or health care. 


Surfrider Vancouver Island started in 2009, and consists of local citizens with a shared goal: focusing on ways to protect and preserve Vancouver Island. Volunteers work by organizing beach cleanups and water tests, while being constantly vigilant for any type of plastic waste.


Round Square looks forward to an activity-filled Spring Term. Future fundraisers may involve fun excursions to the beach for beach cleanups and drives to collect bottles, styrofoam, or plastic.