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Concours d’Art Oratoire 2019

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By Clare Turner On Saturday, May 4, a group of courageous and dedicated students woke at the crack of dawn and set off for the 36th session of the annual BC and Yukon French speech competition, held at Vancouver’s Simon Fraser University. Our 8 students, 4 from the Middle School and 4 from the Senior School, had already competed in our own GNS French speech contest to qualify for this province-wide event. Everyone performed their speech of 3 to 5 minutes superbly, and despite stiff competition from 250 contestants, our GNS French speakers made us proud, proving they are all all winners in their own right. The Wale siblings brought home two medals: Eryn Wale won silver in the Grade 8 French as a Second Language category and Andrew Wale won bronze in the grade 10 FSL category. Many congratulations and félicitations to Mackenzie Heaney, Bryan Muller-Clemm, Andrew Wale, Alexander Muller-Clemm, Charles Gosselin, Joanne Bae, Eryn Wale and Ava Dryden.