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GNS Grade 9 Science Fair

GNS Science Fair was a success for Grade 9 Students

On February 7, the Gudewill Library and Thorau Gym were crowded with Grade 9 students who were excited and anxious to present their Science Fair projects they’ve been working on for the past six months to fellow students, teachers, parents and judges. 

The Grade 9 Science Fair has been a GNS tradition for the longest time, and is a project that teaches students about the scientific method by allowing them to pursue a project of their interest. Regardless of the different topics and questions, every student has to start the project by identifying a problem, creating a solution, testing it and analyzing the results. 

“Science Fair is an opportunity for students to design their own science experiment or project. It can be done within a classroom, but it is also part of a much larger program where students get a chance to participate in local, regional and national science competitions–if they wish to,” said Ms. Simard.  

Ms. Simard is one of the main Grade 9 Science teachers and has been running the GNS Science Fair for over six years. 

This year’s Science Fair started off with two guest speakers from AML Oceanographic, one of whom was a GNS alumni. Then, the students headed to their stations: those who were hoping to qualify for the Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair went to the Gudewill Learning Commons while the rest stayed in the Thorau Gym. The project topics ranged from soccer to creating biodegradable fibreglass, to bumblebees and cannibalistic bacteria.  

Some Grade 9 students were eager to share their thoughts on their projects, as well as a few hints to next year’s Grade 9s. 

“My project looked at pain science and the peak-end rule and how to better understand the differences between the narrating and experiencing selves to address medical anxiety,” said Finn Adamson `27. “In this experiment, I learned the value of diligence in addition to a greater appreciation for the nuances of psychology–an area that I have explored little. To next year’s students, I would encourage them to look for opportunities to explore any weaknesses in their data,” Finn added, “and to not be afraid to recollect said data if a variable was not adequately controlled the first time through.” 

Maiara Telmer `27 project was to create a composite material using a bio fiber base that could potentially replace fibreglass in the industry sector. 

“I chose this project because I think it’s important to not just try to come up with more green solutions for our energy consumption due to climate change, but also to come up with better materials too,” shared Maiara, “In this project, I learned how to analyze results and make graphs from different results. I also learned a lot about bio fibers, composites, and fiberglass.” 

“My tip for the next Grade 9s would be: even if you don’t achieve your expected results/successful results from your experiment doesn’t mean you failed, this in its own is a result that should be discussed.” 

“My project was to create a pamphlet about menstruation which I used to help educate my peers on the topic of menstruation and attempt to destigmatize periods,” said Naeema Rayani `27.

“I chose it because I’ve noticed that so many people are under-educated about their bodies and I think it is important to learn about menstruation because it is a thing that happens to over half the population. From this project, I learned that grade 9 boys get very squeamish when the topic arises and the few who are willing to talk about it don’t know much. For next year’s students, I would definitely recommend them to pick something they’re passionate about, like I did, because you have to work on it for a long time and you don’t want to get bored of your topic. Trust me, it will be more fun if you like your project.” 

Congratulations to all the Grade 9s who have successfully finished their Science Fair. In the coming week or so, the winners of the Science Fair will be announced in assembly, and the top students will be advancing to Vancouver Island Regionals Science Fair. Good luck!