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GNS Recognizes Longtime Volunteer

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Anne Denford, who has been lunch volunteer coordinator for more than nine years, has decided to retire from the role. 

The volunteer coordinator recruits and organizes the scheduling for all of the parent volunteers that work in the Dining Hall. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions, she coordinated 73 volunteers at once to cover each term.

“We have a great group of volunteers,” said Anne. “It was one of the best volunteer opportunities. It’s so rewarding because you are serving the children, working together as a team with other parents. It’s also one of the best volunteer gigs because you know exactly what you are going to do, everybody works in two-week rotations.” 

Before taking on the role at the Pemberton Woods campus, she was the volunteer coordinator at the Beach Drive Campus for three years. 

Anne says she doesn’t have one specific memory that she would call her favourite, but she has many memories from all the people she has met. 

“The people over the years, and there’s been so many of them. So many volunteers, people give as much as they can and sometimes it’s not very long, but some people have been here for years and years,” she said. 

Myki Engelland, Lunch Program Coordinator/Facilities Rental Manager, said the program is going to miss Anne’s dedication. 

“For nine years she was on it everyday,” said Engelland. “ Anne ensured that the program ran smoothly and all the shifts were filled. Her organization and reliability was such an incredible asset and support to my role. Our lunch program and it’s volunteers is really a living-breathing service that reflects our values here at GNS.” 

Claudia Blum, PAC Co-President echoed the sentiment of how important Anne’s dedication as a volunteer was to the school. 

“Anne is the best example of showing that volunteering at GNS is extremely rewarding and connects you with so many parents and GNS staff you may not meet otherwise.” said Blum. “Anne has gone above and beyond in this role and has pretty much supported any other PAC activity like being a Grade Rep for many years or helping with different events.” 

Each year we say goodbye, not only to a class of students, but to the parents who volunteer in our Dining Hall. To say goodbye, each parent volunteer is given a “graduation” certificate and an offering of ‘thyme’ as thanks.

“I wish the lunch program going forward lots of success,” said Anne. “I know exciting things are on the horizon, and I’m sure it will be a wonderful and fun time. I wish I was here to join it, but life goes on.”