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Grade 1s Get Hands On With Ivy Pull

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Recently, Grade 1 classes went on a field trip to Uplands Park, where they gave back to the community and environment by helping with some restoration in the area. 

The students were led around Cattle Point by Margaret Lidkea, president of the Friends of Uplands Park Society. She pointed out the various Garry oak trees, and showed students what invasive species are doing to harm the endangered trees. 

Not only were students able to learn the importance of community service, but they explored the idea of making balanced choices. This forms part of their IB PYP Unit of Inquiry, “Who We Are,” and the balance of being outside in nature. 

“Last week we picked ivy to help trees and plants grow,” said Lauren. “I cut a long piece that you could even jump rope with!”

“I enjoyed getting out there a lot,” added Wilder. “It’s important because if ivy takes over the trees we will have fewer trees to make paper.” 

Students were put into groups and put on gloves so they could get to work and remove ivy that had grown around trees. 

“When we pulled the ivy, I pulled a huge pile with my hands!,” said Lachlan. “It’s so important to remove the ivy because the tree was dying. I was proud because we were helping the Earth.” 

“The ivy was stopping the other plants from growing,” said Aria. “This is something I would want to do again.” 

Way to go Grade 1s for helping with the restoration in Uplands Park!