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Grade 1s Get Yoga Experience

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Grade 1 students in Ms. Graham’s class started their school week off with a stretch by heading to the Pemberton Woods campus to learn yoga. They were coached by Ms. Leah Hall and Grade 11 and 12s from her Health and Wellness class.The students started off learning why yoga was fun and beneficial for daily life, then started to get into the moves. With smiles and laughter all around the students were able to try new stretches, including the Titanic pose, where the senior students laid down and held the ankles of the junior students as they stretched forward as far as they could go. To end the yoga session the students laid on the mats and had a quiet moment to ensure they were able to clear their mind for the rest of the day. Yoga tied into the Grade 1s inquiry unit on Balanced Choices, which aims to help students explore healthy routines and lifestyles. Through this experience, the senior students not only had a fun and engaging hour with the younger students, but they also discovered new opportunities to include their physical activity training and different ways to experience yoga. On September 30, Mrs. Filgate’s Grade 1 class will get their chance to incorporate yoga into their unit on Balanced Choices. PHOTO GALLERY