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Grade 3s Inquire into Culture

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The Grade 3s are working on their IB PYP Unit of Inquiry on Culture. They are learning how cultural knowledge shapes society and its future. What better way to learn about culture than to begin with the culture at our school? Students were posed with the question, “What makes GNS, GNS?” and they brainstormed all the different aspects of GNS that make it unique.

We decided the best person to come and speak about the culture at GNS would be our incoming Head of School, Mr. Chad Holtum. We were treated to a visit on Wednesday, February 19 and had a wonderful time discussing what makes up the culture of GNS, how it has formed over many years, and how we ensure that the culture of GNS is passed down to future generations. It was no surprise to the students that we realized GNS culture is primarily strong because of the amazing families and the incredible sense of community that we share.

It couldn’t have been a better location to meet than right beside the construction of the new Junior School building. Students enjoyed hearing all about the interior and the future of their new school.

Thank you, Mr. Holtum, for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and speak with us.

– Mrs. Palm, Mrs. Crossley & the Grade 3s