The Grade 5 classes were given personal tours around the Pemberton Woods campus on January 29. The soon-to-be Middle School students were shown the ropes by the Grade 6 classes as a way to ease into the transition from the Beach, which will happen next September. With four stations available, the Grade 5 classes visited the Dining Hall, the Scott Fitness Centre, the Music Centre and the Gudewill Gym. They also had a chance to take part in the Middle School assembly at Denford Hall.
Grade 6 student Olyn was partnered up with Ben and acted as his guide around the campus and said it was important to have the Grade 5s visit the Pemberton Woods campus.
“When they come to the Middle School with me they will know everything that they are supposed to know,” Olyn said, adding he had a little advice for those students making the jump to middle school next year. “Just believe in yourself if anything seems hard,” he said.
For Grade 5 student Finnley, she said she enjoyed being taken on the tour and visiting the campus. “It’s really fun seeing what it’s going to be like when I’m in Grade 6 here,” she said, noting it was a beneficial experience. “This helps me see what it’s going to be like and makes me less nervous about going into Grade 6.”
Emma, who was partnered with Finnley enjoyed being able to mentor someone, as she was in the same shoes the previous year.
“I remember when I was still in Grade 5 I got mentored, and it was a bit overwhelming with how big the school was, but it was really helpful knowing where things were and how people got around,” Emma explained while giving the future Grade 6 class some advice.
“Don’t worry about how big the campus, it’s just like the Junior School except there is no beach and you only get two recesses.”