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Grade 6s Dive into Action Projects

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The Grade 6 students have kicked off their Global Goals Action Project. Each student selected one of the Global Goals that they would like to help the United Nations achieve. There are up to 17 goals that the Individuals and Societies students could choose from to help lead their project.

After making a selection, students will dive into research making sure their notes include information on what the goal is, why did the UN decide this goal was important, and how is the UN going to achieve the goal.

The next step for the students is to research three organizations that are working to achieve the goal they’ve picked, which leads to the final step, where the students will select an organization and make an action plan. Once that plan is approved, students have 10 weeks to complete the action, and then they will present their findings. 

We checked in with some of the students to see what global goal they choose and what their initial plans are to complete the project. 

  • Alex, ‘Life Below Water’ – “I chose ‘Life Below Water’ because I really like the ocean, it’s a huge part of the world, it covers a majority of it…I’m going to go to my neighbours and do chores to raise money. I’ll find a good organization which I can donate to.” 
  • Hailey, ‘Climate Action’ – “I think it’s pretty important…I initially thought of doing a petition, but I’m not sure how I will do that. I was also thinking about writing a letter to the government.” 
  • Sabina, ‘Zero Hunger’ – “I want to make posters and hand them out around the neighbourhood. Also, maybe give some to my mom to hand out to patients at her pharmacy. I’m going to do a food drive and donate to Rainbow Kitchen.” 
  • Liam, ‘Zero Hunger’ – “I was thinking of doing a food drive for the Mustard Seed…I think it’s going to be a good project, and go door-to-door asking for donations in the neighbourhood where they can leave food on the doorstep for me to pick up.” 
  • Salina, ‘Zero Hunger’ – “I had a good idea on what to do for my action, and I’m very interested in it, so that’s why I picked it. I’m going to do a food drive at the Junior Campus.” 
  • Wyatt, ‘Zero Hunger’ – “For my action, I think I’m going to do a food drive for maybe the Mustard Seed. I think it’s going to be a fun project, and since the Grade 5 Exhibition we have never really done a project that requires us to do something outside of school.” 

We can’t wait to see all the action plans once they are finished. Also, keep an eye out for updates on how the action projects went!