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Historical Halloween

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By Tanis Masson Historical Halloween is an annual event at the Beach. In Grades 1 to 5, students have the opportunity to research a historical person and prepare a short speech, then dress like them on Halloween. On Wednesday, students shared their speeches with their peers in class, and in assembly and each class provided a representative who spoke in front of the whole school. The Grade 1G class representative was Rosie, who portrayed Frida Kahlo de Rivera. Elora represented the Grade 1W class, portraying Laura Ingalls Wilder. She connected this historical figure to the unit of inquiry the class is currently exploring, which focuses on family systems and how families work together to meet their basic needs. Laura wrote the Little House on the Prairie books, which describe how the Ingalls family met their basic needs for survival including food, shelter, clothing and protection. The Grade 2s connected their How We Express Ourselves unit of inquiry to Historical Halloween by role playing their historical figures during the day. The 2D class representative was Braylen, who portrayed his great-grandfather Gus Bodnar. The 2N class representative was Amy, portraying scientist Marie Curie. This year, the Grade 3C class was represented by two students: Evan and Akaius, who portrayed the Wright brothers. The Grade 3P class representative was Sophie, who portrayed her grandfather Richard John Douthwaite, also known as papi. Sophie connected her papi to the beliefs and values unit of inquiry that the Grade 3s have just finished, where students explored how beliefs and values shape their personal identity. In her speech, Sophie spoke about her grandfather’s kindness and work ethic, two values that she admires.  The Grade 4s have been exploring how actions affect others, so all students chose a historical figure whose actions affected others in a positive manner. In 4S, Alison chose Jane Goodall. Alison spoke of Jane’s chimpanzee research and how it has changed our understanding of animal behavior. From 4N, Nathan portrayed Jackie Chan, and spoke of how Jackie’s actions revitalized the Hong Kong film industry.  Students in Grade 5 have been exploring how governmental systems and decisions influence the lives of citizens for their second unit of inquiry. Joelle in 5S portrayed Empress Suiko, the first Japanese empress, and Cleo in 5W portrayed Eleanor of Aquitaine, who in her lifetime was the Queen of France and the Queen of England.