Climate change is an issue that will adversely affect every ecosystem on Earth. It affects everyone’s way of living, especially the poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized which includes women, children, and the elderly. Climate change changes the global environment by raising temperatures, which in turn creates storms and other natural disasters. However, it isn’t the environment that is affected by climate change. Our lifestyles will also feel the ripple effect of such change in the environment, perhaps the most meaningful change coming through the food industry. With temperatures changing, crops and harvest will also be drastically affected, resulting in threats such as food and water scarcity, which can be problematic for the entire world.
Fixing climate change, or decreasing the impacts, can result in a world with cleaner and fresher air, more food security, better cities to live in, and overall, healthier and happier people. If we act now, it will cost us a lot less in the future. It is always hard to take the first step, but there are many organizations out there with the aim to make it easier for the general public to participate in fighting climate change.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Vancouver Aquarium, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) are some of the many organizations looking to minimize the impact of climate change and restore our environment. These three organizations stand out because of their huge and dedicated efforts toward the mission they have undertaken: to help make our world a better place by preventing climate change from further affecting the world.
Some ways that you could help to support WWF in its mission is to make your life greener, fundraise, inspire kids to explore and understand nature, or interact with the programs that WWF offers. Making your life greener just takes a few changes, such as turning off lights when they’re not in use and taking shorter showers. Raising awareness can be as simple as telling your friends and family about climate change and how they can help save our planet or setting up a fundraising event. WWF also has a program where you can symbolically adopt an animal, with the funds going towards the WWF’s efforts to preserve the world’s ecosystems. If you’re looking for something more impactful, you can take it to the next level and become a panda ambassador!
There are many ways to help preserve the environment, whether it be as simple as changing a few habits or becoming a dedicated panda ambassador, and all these ways are possible to start today. If you want some more ideas, visit WWF.
Fighting climate change will require a huge increase of effort on everybody’s part. This article is the first of a series of articles designed to advocate for these organizations, help raise awareness about climate change and its impacts, and to inspire people to help save the environment.