The Junior School is very excited to take part in supporting the 2018 Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock and its ongoing work to raise funds for innovative and progressive cancer research programs, and to help send children suffering from cancer to Camp Goodtimes. October 4 was the kickoff for their fundraising and the campus was honoured by a visit from the Cops for Cancer Ride team. This visit was made even more special by the fact that two of this year’s Tour de Rock junior riders are GNS students! During the coming year, the Junior School will be involved in fundraising activities to support Cops for Cancer. However, the month of October will be our main drive to reach our goal of $10,000. Please consider supporting their efforts. To participate, register your child online on the website. Over the course of the Tour de Rock, cyclists remain in their saddle for over 50 hours. Mr. Bowers has decided, that in recognition of the riders, he will spend 50 hours camping out on top of Rattenbury House on the Widow’s Walk starting Tuesday, October 9 through to Thursday, October 11.