The Junior School’s new Woodworking Club has provided students with an opportunity to learn new hands-on skills. There were 10 students in the club this term, and another 10 is set to get started next term.
Run by Junior School Vice-Principal Gavin Bowers, the group of Grade 5 students used a new set of skills to create a sawing jig. The group met every Tuesday at lunch to work on their creations.
“It all came about because we had students in the Grade 5 exhibition last year doing woodworking projects and making furniture out of repurposed wood,” explained Mr. Bowers, who added that there was a lot of interest from students in the club.
Last year, the Junior School acquired equipment to start the club, including hammers, chisels, clamps, chop and hand saws, drills and bits and more!
“I thought, why don’t we get a club together and use it for the Innovation Lab,” said Mr. Bowers. “I have a bit of a passion for woodworking so I and Mrs. Leanne Giommi created the club.”
The initial inquiry for students was, ‘What would you create to help others if you had a piece of wood and a saw? How do you control that piece of wood because it’s going to slip around on a table?” Students were then tasked to come back with blueprints for how they would solve the problem.
Mr. Bowers was able to get cedar ends from Karlite Manufacturing for the students to create their sawing jigs. They learned how to use a chop square, measure and cut their wood using a hand saw, chisel a rabbet joining, and glue and screw the two end pieces together.
“I wanted to join because it’s the first time we’ve had woodworking. It was really fun, but I did have a knot in my wood, which made it harder and took a bit longer,” said Sophie, explaining that she had helped her dad in the past with some of his work. “In the summer, I was able to help my dad rebuild the deck, and that was really fun!”
While learning these skills, the students also practiced proper safety techniques.
“It was really fun,” said Katie “When the week was over I would wait excitedly until the next week, and then I’d be so excited in the morning about woodworking.”
Both Sophie and Katie noted that their sawing jigs would make good holiday presents!