Coming up in the month of May, there will be a bottle drive, freezie sales and more beach cleanups!
On Saturday, May 29, the Grade 9s have organized a bottle drive. From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., drive by and drop off all your recyclable—cleaned and emptied bottles, cans and juice boxes —collected over the past few months at the GNS turf (outside of the Simpson building and Denford Hall).
If you are still in need of volunteer service hours—for which the deadline is fast approaching—please contact Ms. McKerlich at to earn credit for two to three hours.
Proceeds from the bottle drive will go towards the Mountain Road Forest park conservation campaign. In addition, the Round Square will also be starting Freezie Fridays on May 14 to raise funds for this project! For those of you keeping track, the Mountain Road fundraising project is 80 per cent of the way there! Another 20 per cent or $500,000 to go; this is the last chance to save 49 hectares of biodiverse and ecologically rich ecosystem.
Proceeds earned from Freezie Fridays will be donated to this ecologically important project. Every Friday, beginning May the 14, Grade 9s will be operating a stand just outside of the Dining Hall. Come by with a few loonies and toonies for a Freezie!
Last but certainly not least, Grade 10s will host their own beach cleanup next Wednesday, May 12. Inspired by the great turnout for the Grade 9 beach cleanup, Grade 10s will be gallivanting to Gonzales Beach during the Assembly and Period 2 blocks to collect microplastics and other garbage.
To Grade 10s interested in participating (credit for service hours is available), a sign up sheet will soon be available. Remember to prepare for the weather, and do not forget to bring gloves, yogurt buckets and reusable bags. As this is an excursion off the school campus, check in with your homeroom teacher at the beginning of the day and notify your Period 2 teacher. This fundraiser is to help raise awareness for our third term charity: Surfrider Vancouver Island.
Through these three events, there are many ways to contribute to our local community and environment, whether it be Surfrider Vancouver Island, Mountain Road or Save the Children. Remember to collect your clean and empty bottles on May 15 from 1-3 pm, bring a toonie or a loonie for Friday Freezie sales starting May 14, and, if you are in Grade 10, sign up for the beach cleanup on May 12!