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Middle School Gets Creative in Bookface Challenge

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Over the past weeks, many Middle School students got creative with the Bookface Challenge. The challenge was to take a photo of the cover of a book, and line it up with a matching backdrop. 


Both students and faculty took part in this fun and challenging activity with a purpose. Not only were they promoting a good book, but also showcasing the creativity of the Middle School. 


“I am very pleased with how it went,” explained Ms. Waugh, Teacher-Librarian. “Staff and students both sent in submissions, all of them were interesting and creative! This is something that I would like to continue doing in the future. It allows students to have fun and be creative with their favourite books.”


The challenge saw many different submissions including using a kitchen sink, student faces, animals and more. 


Jacob Tam ’25 was one of the students who took part. He used the book The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury to create his submission. 


“I knew that I had quite a lot of options to decide on what book to use but I thought that it would be quite ironic to make a “bookface” of a book cover that had no face,” he said. “I had already thought of a lot of different books that I’ve read that would work, but since I was reading the book The Illustrated Man and, I thought that it would be fun to “illustrate” the Illustrated Man by making a bookface.”


Having enjoyed  the challenge, Jacob said it was something he would want to participate in again in the future. 


“I can think of a lot more books that would work really well for this challenge,” he adds. 


Bookface Friday was reportedly started in August 2014 by Morgan Holzer at the New York Public Library. Soon after, other librarians started posting their images and the trend took off. They are often posted to Instagram and Twitter on Fridays, thus the hashtag #BookfaceFriday.


Way to go Middle School students on showing off your creativity!