Congratulations to all the amazing mathematicians-in-the-making who were celebrated at this year’s Middle School Math Awards! Gauss Contest Grade 8
- Top Score: Ethan Wharton
- Second: Sophie Lee
- Third: Ethan Chan
Grade 7
- Top Score and Winner of the Keith Walker Gauss Cup: Louisa Eder
- Second: Eva Grand and Eryn Wale
- Third: Cole Marriette
Canadian National Math League Contest Grade 8
- Top Score: Ethan Wharton
- Second: Helena Mundstock
- Third: Jack Barry
Grade 7
- Top Score: Jason Ye
- Second: Rohan Bandecha
- Third: Jacques Jolivet, Lily Kang & Shunkichi Yamamoto
Grade 6
- Top Score and winners of the CNML Shield: Sam Gramada and Markus Lee
- Second: Warren Jiang, Ewan Macdonell and Ben Mulleray
- Third: Jack Hayes, Sophie Pathak, Findley Schellenberg and Isaac Yu
Pythagoras Math Contest Grade 6
- Top Score: Markus Lee
- Second: Warren Jiang and Isaac Yu
- Third: Sam Gramada, Ollie Lau and Lara Tiampo