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News From The Beach Drive Learning Commons

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Over the last month, all of the classes in the Learning Commons have been using locally produced maps and guidebooks, accessing websites and using apps that have helped them gain connection and understanding of our local environment. Check out some of these great resources available: explore the Sierra Club Eco Map to check out what plants and animals are in our area, take a look at the newly published Victoria Naturehood Map or use the iNaturalist app and the kid version Seek to participate in Citizen Science. The Grade 4s were also fortunate to have local author (and past GNS parent), Merrie-Ellen Wilcox, come speak about her latest book, ‘Nature Out of Balance:How Invasive Species Are Changing the Planet’. Drum roll…Summer is coming and that means Summer Reading Begins! Students are in the midst of creating their own ‘Reading Around the Island 2021’ buttons , an initiative from our Grade 4 Library Squad. Summer Reading lists for students going into grades 3-5 will be given out before the holiday. The lists of recommended titles are also available on Blackbaud under the Resources tab: Learning Commons’ These are suggested titles. There are SO MANY great books to read so just read lots and come back and share what you loved! Ways to get hold of books this summer?

  1. Students going into grades 3, 4 and 5 may take up to three Fiction Novels home for the summer from our school library collection.
  2. Our e-book service SORA is available all summer. Students will need their Google Password and Username to access this.
  3. Join the GVPL Summer Reading Club
  4. Russell Books will give a discount of 10% off of any books from our school reading lists

 Thank you for the donations to our Beach Drive collection. It is always wonderful to get gently used copies of popular titles! And a huge ‘thank you’ to the Grade 4 Library Squad for all of their hard work organizing reading initiatives, activities and contests for our students this year.