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Students Laugh a Lot in Comedy Club

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Middle School students have been learning the many techniques to create a laugh this year in Comedy Club. Grade 6 and 7 students have been joined by Ms. Kara Crabb to learn the art of joke-telling on Wednesdays at lunchtime.  “I just wanted a space where my students could feel free to let go and let loose a little bit while exploring their creativity in a specific genre,” explained Ms. Crabb.  Time in Comedy Club has been spent with improv games, mad libs, and learning about the history of comedy.  “We started looking at ‘I Love Lucy,’ Charlie Chaplin and Abbott and Costello. Recently, we have been working on word games like ‘apples to apples’ and different ways to play language, contradictions and figure out what makes a joke,” said Ms. Crabb.  The Comedy Club is a new co-curricular offered at GNS, and Ms. Crabb said it was an activity she would have enjoyed when she was a student. “I thought about what I would have been interested in as a kid, and I saw the students in my class were really funny, so I thought it would be a cool space for them to explore,” she said.  By the end of the year, Ms. Crabb hopes that students will have developed their skills so they can do a stand-up bit.  We can’t wait to hear the jokes students come up with!