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The Human Impact of Historical Wrongs

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In Individuals & Societies, the Grade 9s are currently studying historical wrongs. As part of this learning experience, Mr. Mais invited Jindi Singh to speak to students about some of the historical injustices faced by Indo-Canadians. Mr. Singh shared his knowledge and perspective on Indian history in Canada. He talked about the significance of the Komagata Maru, a ship containing Indian immigrants that was turned away from Vancouver under the guard of the Canadian Navy in 1914. Mr. Singh’s great-uncle was on the Komagata Maru, and spoke about how, when they were forced to return to Calcutta, the British rule of the country meant they were essentially placed under house arrest. The visit gave students a personal connection to the incident and a human perspective on a well known historical injustice. Mr. Singh shared some photos and the importance of the apology given to the descendants of the Komagata Maru, which he said was very impactful for the community. He also talked about the current work his charity does across Canada. A huge thanks to Mr. Singh for visiting, and to Mr. Mais for organizing the visit!