On April 6, the Middle School celebrated the students who were awarded the Gryphon Award of Excellence for last term. The award is given each term to a student in each Grade that embodies the school motto “Do your best through truth and courage.”
The criteria staff consider when determining who will receive the award includes: reflecting on the spirit of our school motto; exhibiting a commitment to learning and striving to do their very best; demonstrating good manners and virtues such as respect, compassion, confidence, enthusiasm, integrity, kindness and perseverance; participation in a wide range of activities at school and/or the outside community; and contribution to service as action in meaningful ways.
The recipients for the Winter Term were Ayden Kuo ’26, Sabina Carino ’27 and Alexander Turner ’28!
During assembly, the respective homeform teachers read a speech about each student who also received a certificate and a medal. Here is an excerpt from what was said about each of these Gryphons.
Alexander: “Xander exhibits a commitment to learning and strives to do his very best. He is always prepared for class. He is reflective, takes in and applies feedback well, while also participating meaningfully in discussions. He is always organized at the end of the day in preparation for dismissal. As a result of these self-management traits, he is strong academically.”
Sabina: “Both in and out of the classroom, Sabina is willing to take risks and make mistakes as she knows that she can learn from them. She takes on leadership roles with ease and can be counted on to do the right thing whether she is working independently or in a group. Sabina has also demonstrated that she is not afraid to stand up for what she feels is right, while at the same time being gracious and mindful to the perspectives of everyone around her.”
Ayden: “Coming to a new school is challenging at the best of times, but trying to navigate it during a pandemic is extremely difficult. As a new student to GNS this year, Ayden has shown a tremendous amount of perseverance, open-mindedness, and risk-taking by taking part in a variety of activities from day one. One example that stands out is her taking the initiative to apply her writing skills and creativity by writing an article about Gallery of Fame that went out to the entire GNS community.”
As part of being awarded the Gryphon Award of Excellence, the three students each have a chance to select a charity that the school will make a donation to in their name.
Congratulations Gryphons!