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Campus Building Update

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While summer offered an opportunity for some well-deserved “R & R” for GNS students and their families, construction at both Beach Drive and Pemberton Woods continued to progress. Students returning to either campus will notice that significant work has been completed during the hot, dry summer months. The final touches are now being applied to Phase II of the Gudewill Gym restoration, which has seen new showering and changing facilities added to complement to work already completed to the gym interior. Although the project’s completion means that Middle and Senior School students will no longer be permitted to wear their sportswear throughout days in which they have PHE class, we are confident they’ll appreciate the new additions to the Athletics Department nevertheless! Meanwhile, crews at Beach Drive have made significant headway on the new Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten Pavilions at the south end of the campus. The foundation has been poured, framing has begun, and visitors to the Beach will gain a far better understanding of what the new facilities will look like once they are complete. While work will continue after students return, safety will remain our paramount priority, and we are confident that disruptions to learning will be virtually non-existent.