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Getting to know the 2021/22 Senior School Prefect Team

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Eya Ibrahim – Environment and Adventure Prefect 

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I ran for the environmental Prefect position because I wanted to incorporate global changes within the school. Engagement within the school, I found, can be very local, which can be helpful, but I also felt that we needed more as the environmental situation gets more dire. It is important to me that students learn as much as they can about environmental movements and international campaigns.

I really felt that as a peer and as a student it was my responsibility to run for the Prefect team so I could make sure my peers had their voices being represented and that our opinions, ideas and thoughts were shared in the school community. 


What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

We have a lot of exciting initiatives, we are hoping to create more awareness campaigns that tie to bigger international issues. So, within that we are thinking of having either awareness days or awareness weeks and incorporating the entire school community. And to make sure we are aware of what the problem is so we can directly address it, and then to brainstorm different ways as a school in which we can help the problems we are passionate about. Obviously within a year we can’t address every single thing, so it’s important we focus our attention on what we believe is most important to change. So there are a few other activities we want to keep pushing forward—things like recycling and composting, waste management, and making sure we are keeping those good habits. We are also trying to encourage drivers not to idle anymore. Other initiatives we are hoping to bring forward is to open up dialogue about Fairy Creek, an environmental crisis in our own backyard.

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I’m working on my fourth language. I speak Arabic, French and English and I’m working on my Spanish. Also, I have travelled to a lot of places, so I really value multiculturalism and getting to know different people, exposing myself to new things. It’s cliche but I love trying new things and meeting all sorts of different cultures and learning from them. I find that there is something really beautiful about learning something new from distinct individuals. 

Hannah Jeon – Grad Prefect

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

The grad year for everyone is super important, and I really care about it! The people in our grade deserve to have someone who is willing to listen to all the different opinions and ideas and make them a reality. It gives me the ability to plan things we all want to do and ensures we can all have a great year. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

Right now, the most important one for me is making sure we have a good Winter Formal. Obviously with COVID-19 we are having to switch it up. It’s not going to be a dance. But still, I’m looking forward to being able to do something fun. Last year I know they struggled because there were so many more restrictions but now that it’s loosened up a bit, there is plenty for us to do. 

Looking further into the year, I know everyone is looking forward to Gotcha, that’s also super exciting. I’m looking to plan lots of challenges like a GNS version of Minute to Win It or an Amazing Race.

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I love to play volleyball and basketball!

Miia Bekker – Service Prefect  

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I was thinking of running for a Prefect position because I was really interested in building my leadership experience and I had heard a couple of ideas from our grade and the grades below us on things they would like to see implemented this year—so I was excited to head some of those initiatives. I chose Service Prefect because Ms. Smook is awesome and I love working with her. I feel like it’s a good opportunity to not only promote service in the typical sense like service hours, initiating an activity or going to an organization and having a volunteer position—which is great. But, also service in other ways like servant leadership and bringing a wide variety of service opportunities to the Senior School. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

I’ve been working with the Prefect Council on a lot of the big plans we have this year like the Fun Day, which I really enjoyed and I hope other people did. We have a couple more of those planned for the rest of the year. In terms of service, I’ve initiated the spreadsheet and will keep updating that, and we did a service presentation at the beginning of the year to demonstrate to everyone our new service system. Ms. Smook has been going around to the classes to get that going. 

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

I’ve done Highland dance since I was six years old. I’ve been having a lot of fun with that. I dance with the Bon Accord Highland Dancers, and they are a really great group. 

Lemon Pollock – Arts Prefect 

Why did you run for a Prefect position? 

I choose to run for the Arts Prefect position specifically because I’m a person who is very passionate about contributing to the arts. Also, I want to make sure students’ considerations are being taken into account when their art is being displayed, or to give them more opportunities to display their art. I know a lot of people want to show their art to the wider school community, but don’t have an avenue to do it if it’s not a traditional art piece. 

What initiatives are you looking to promote this year? 

My biggest one is the students’ art space on Instagram. It’s a space where any student can submit any media of art to that page. After checking if it’s school appropriate, it will be posted for the entire school to see. 

What is an interesting fact about yourself? 

As far as I know I am the only publicly non-binary student at GNS.