Brian Lim – Head Prefect
Why did you run for a Prefect position?
In the Prefect group, I was one of the newest people to GNS. I transferred in Grade 10 and I can say, I’m a relatively newer member to the community compared to my peers. From my previous experiences, I really like talking to people and I felt like I had the opportunity to return some of the joy and energy I feel with being around people. I wanted to challenge myself as a new transfer student to see how far I could take myself. I wanted to serve this community, and with my leadership experiences in the past I had gained exposure to what kind of job this is.
What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?
I’ve been thinking of quite a few different initiatives, the first one is planning an Alumni-Student connection event for opportunities. Because of COVID-19, social connections and activities are limited, but even through Google Meet or Zoom we can build connections between current students and Alumni. Also, since they [Alumni] graduated from GNS, they have more experience about what’s going to come up in the future. I think it will be valuable for us to know what we are going into, and gaining some life advice.
The second one is more student-oriented and fun. One of the activities I’m thinking about is the Brain Bowl. It will involve the four houses in competition, and we send representatives to go head-to-head in assembly one day. I think it would be a way to increase community bonds between houses and individual houses. Just fun and friendly competitions to get the energy up more.
What is an interesting fact about yourself?
Well, my background. I’m Korean and was born in South Korea. I lived there for 11 years, then I first moved to Canada in the middle of Grade 5—so it was a big transition with completely different cultures and being on the other side of the world. Then I lived in Victoria for over two years before moving to Los Angeles for one year. That was also a very different experience, similar being on the West Coast stuff but there is a difference between the United States and Canada. I think it’s unique that I’ve been able to experience three vastly different cultures around the world. It helped me to gain a more diverse perspective through different angles.
Outside of school I play the violin. My mom is a violinist, so I’ve grown up watching her play since I was young. I think I’ve been playing for 12 years now including in recitals, festivals and I’m in the Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra.
Alice Li – Cultural Prefect
Why did you run for a Prefect position?
I decided to run for Cultural Prefect because I really like to talk to others. I listen to their experiences and I’m also quite dedicated to learning about different cultures and sharing those cultures and avoiding conflicts between people. I’ve also been in the school’s culture club for three years, and I really enjoy it.
What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?
I really want the school to be a more tolerant society and bring cultural awareness. Instead of just discussing, I think it would be better for people to see things visually, so this year I’m looking forward to working collaboratively with the Art Club and planning activities together.
What is an interesting fact about yourself?
I love art, and I want to be an architect.
Mira Sobkin – Round Square Prefect
Why did you run for a Prefect position?
I really wanted to run for Round Square Prefect to be able to lead the group to a successful and productive year and make positive change in the GNS community and our broader community in general. I’ve been in the GNS Round Square club since Grade 6, and I definitely know the ropes and thought I’d be the best fit for the job. In the past I’ve been part of raising money for various organizations such as Raven Trust, the Mustard Seed, Cops for Cancer and others. We have done different initiatives such as selling candy grams, hot chocolate, and going for trips to pull weeds and serving food to the homeless, etc.
What initiatives are you looking to promote this year?
This year there are a lot of different groups working on different things. They’re all very exciting—we have an invasive species pulling out trip, a lights out week to conserve energy, a campaign for cancer awareness, and a battery drive.
What is an interesting fact about yourself?
I’m training to become a professional ballerina. When I’m not at school or hanging out with friends and family, I’m dancing.