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Grade 5 ‘Who We Are’ Workshops

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Grade 5 students have been diving into their “who we are” inquiry unit by getting first-hand knowledge from specialists in different fields of study. There have been multiple workshops, held by volunteers—many of which were parents—to help the students connect what they are learning in the classroom to outside experiences. At the beginning of the year, students wrote down questions they had about the human body, which focussed on the theme “who we are.” The multiple workshops, along with what they are learning in the classroom were aimed to help answer those questions. The various specialist came to GNS to talk about how they chose their career, what skills and knowledge it takes along with presenting what their specialty is all about. Through these events, students can make links between the specific presentations and what they are studying. Presenters included Kathy Gingras (the brain), Dr. Naomi Yoshida (respiration and emergency response), Erika Stewart (vaccines), Lara Feldman (mindfulness), Dr. Rick Brunkan (radiographers “Strange thing I have seen”), Zahra Carino (allergies and EpiPen use), Barbara Carr-Harris (heart health and blood circulation), Lesley Martel (the power of how we think) and Dr. Glen McElroy (dental health and our body systems). Thank you to all the volunteers that have come to teach our students about their area of health specialty!