As a link to their recent IB PYP Unit of Inquiry, “Sharing the Planet,” the Grade 5s have been using all sorts of recycled materials to create cityscapes in art class..
As part of their research, the Grade 5s studied Louise Nevelson, an American artist who created assemblages from items she found on New York city sidewalks. Drawing inspiration from this, students used repurposed materials were collected throughout the year by Art Teacher Ms. Nancy Fletcher.
“We are also talking about our responsibility with art materials, such as acrylic paints that we use in the classroom, and how it’s plastics and we want to make sure they minimally go down the drain,” she explained. “We wash as little as possible down the drain, and are always conscious of putting our pallets back on the table.”
Students talked about sharing the planet and how careful use and repurposing art materials can minimize the negative effect on the environment
“We planned our sculpture, glued it all together and painted it black,” explained Olive. “Then we used pastels that were almost done and finished those up, so it’s also helping the planet.”
Having been influenced by Big Ben in London, she used a Q-tip for clock arms, popsicle sticks for a fence and a lot of cardboard to make windows on buildings.
Alex used his imagination to create his city which included a skyscraper and multiple buildings.
“I mostly used cardboard, some sticks and wire to be like a telephone wire,” he said. “I thought including a house by the skyscraper would be good because it needs homes around it.”
Using recycled materials such as cardboard, popsicle stickers and toothpicks, Eryn created Paris.
“I decided to do the Eiffel Tower since that’s what Paris is known for,” she explained. “I added shrubs and a pathway and some buildings. It was really fun putting it all together. My favourite part was planning the Eiffel Tower.”
Sophie used wood, cotton, plastic, a CD and cardboard to create her cityscape.
“I thought of the materials as I was working, and got ideas throughout,” she said. “In my city, I included a big building, a house and when I saw the CD, I wanted to make a CN Tower. It was fun putting it together. My favourite part was being able to build my CN Tower.”
Way to go Grade 5s for sharing their unique cityscapes!