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Grade 5s Explore Human Body Systems

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The Grade 5 students have taken advantage of many of our community resources to help them delve deeper into their current IB PYP Unit of Inquiry on “Who we are”—a rich inquiry designed to promote critical thinking, develop communication skills and questioning ability.  Experts came and spoke to the students to help them explore the central idea of “Human body systems are interconnected and contribute to health.” 

In part one of their two days of workshops, students rotated through four stations where they had the opportunity to learn and ask questions related to their Unit of Inquiry. 

The first station was hosted by Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Simon Robinson, who spoke to the classes about the circulatory system, focusing on the heart and lungs. 

The second station was organized by Dr. Tannis Shaw, a retired chiropractor. She spoke about ergonomic sitting, and why it’s important to move around and not stay seated too long. 

CPR skills were demonstrated by school Nurse Susan Duffell-Warthe where she discussed how and when to give CPR as well as blood oxygen stats and blood levels. Students then had the opportunity to try their hand at CPR on a type of Resusci Anne.

Ms. Lara Feldman, Junior School Counsellor, held a workshop on mindfulness and the importance of mental health. Students reflected and explored strategies for recognising and addressing their feelings. 

On the second day of workshops, students went to the Oak Bay Recreation Centre where they studied water safety and hands-on skills. The Grade 5s learned how to recognize swimmers in trouble and strategies they could use to help.  

All of this research is being done to support students as they approach their summative assessment where they will create a two to four minute presentation on a body malfunction and how it influences the body systems.