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Grade 6/7 Recreational Soccer

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By Jake Burnett

We had 30 boys on the roster this year, which made for some fantastic teamwork and great opportunities for communication and leadership. We were also fortunate enough to be able to bask in the Fall sunshine for every practice and jamboree.

There was some impressive all round play and it was wonderful to see the team develop and make continued progress in each of their three jamborees.

We played six ‘competitive’ games in total against other Middle School teams in the city, and had particular fun in our fixture at Central, where we had two mammoth games and ended up running out winners of the final fixture after a very well-worked direct free kick from George Murray and a left-footed blaster from Cormac Sweeney.

That said, it has continually been a team effort both on and off the field. We have always enjoyed being supported by parents, friends and grandparents, and this was evident at every jamboree and even some of our practices.

As coaches of this fine group, Mr. Palm and I have really enjoyed the cheer, camaraderie and desire just to simply play. It has been a lot of fun, and reminds us all of the importance of participating in a team, having the opportunity to represent the school as a Gryphon, and putting down some firm athletic foundations to make continuous progress through the school.

Thanks to everyone involved in making the season be another success; we now move on to the equally as active basketball season!