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Great Results at Sailing Championship Regatta

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The championship sailing regatta for the Vancouver Island Youth Sailing League hosted by Royal Victoria Yacht Club was held on June 9 and sailed in the waters of Cadboro Bay in bright, but blustery weather. Both Middle and Senior School teams faced breezy conditions, but this was softened by the warm sunshine and great camaraderie. There was very tight competition among the 12 different schools participating. Our Senior team handled their 420 dinghies well in the puffy conditions and took turns as skipper and crew as we were shorthanded. Our Middle School team, sailing Optimist dinghies, put their skills to use selecting the correct side of the course, defending their positions well, and keeping their boats upright to take first place! Congratulations to Aoife Golonka, Martina Garcia, and Devan Duquette for a great performance. Thanks to all members of the sailing team this year for a very fun season and we hope to see more of you join us on the water next year!