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Help Support Round Square’s Halloween for Hunger

Service Learning
Round Square promotes the development of leadership and allows students to take the lead in raising awareness and support for issues they feel strongly about.

An upcoming initiative that you can be a part of and support is the annual Halloween for Hunger food drive which collects non-perishable food items for the Mustard Seed, a non-profit food bank that aims to support local people who are fighting hunger and poverty. With the cost of living surging and ever-increasing food prices, this initiative is more important than ever as many families are struggling to make ends meet, resulting in food insecurity. The most heavily impacted by these circumstances are children.

Donations of non-perishable food such as canned and dried goods are appreciated. Senior School students can drop items off in the collection bins located in the hallway outside the lower Gudewill classrooms, G103 and G104, between October 30 and November 1. Middle School students should bring their contributions to their homeforms from October 27 to 31, and Junior School students can place their donations in the house colour bins in the Junior School reception area from October 30 to November 1.

Students and teachers can also collect slips from the Gudewill Learning Commons and the Front Office that can be taken home and distributed to their neighbours. These slips ask that neighbours leave non-perishable food donations at their door for the students to pick up. The pickup date is specified by the student on their slip, but donations must be delivered to the school by the above deadlines.

In addition to collecting food to support the Mustard Seed, the Senior School Round Square has also organized some fun, Halloween-themed activities to raise school spirit. Events at lunch include a haunted hallway, “haunted theatre experience” and a costume contest on the day of Halloween (October 31) where you can dress up in your best costume and try to win! Categories include “Best in Show,” “Dazzling DIY,” “Hauntingly Horrible,” “Smells Like Team Spirit” and “Best Impression.”

Please bring your donations in on the dates listed above, remember to collect your slips, but don’t forget to have some fun!