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How to be a Friend

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This week, Grade 1 students put their heads together to come up with the best ways to make new friends, and shared their ideas with the Junior School at Friday Morning Live. The project was inspired by Jean Bigelow, who recently read a story in assembly titled: We Don’t Eat Our Classmates, about a young T-Rex who wants to make friends, but has some trouble. ”Mr. Bowers responded that he was looking for some new friends,” says Ms. Graham, “so we decided that we would take action and give Mr. Bowers some tips.” Each student wrote and illustrated their own idea for how to make a friend, then read them aloud during this Friday’s assembly. Some of the examples included sharing, talking to new students, and helping others when they fall down. They wrapped up the presentation with a song about friendship.  The project showcased the excellent thoughtfulness, caring, and risk-taking that Junior School students practise every day at GNS. Great work Grade 1s!