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How YOU Can Be a Hero

Donor Stories
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The visit wasn’t a surprise as I often see them volunteering in the PW Dining Hall, or cheering on students at a game, or telling other parents how great GNS has been for their family. What surprised me was the gift. This hero is a monthly donor already making a regular contribution to the school. They dropped by to see if there were other areas of need that had arisen this fall that they could support. As always I asked, “What are you most passionate about? What do your children love?” It didn’t take long for us to find something that resonated with this donor—something that would be meaningful to many students across the school. But they didn’t stop there. They wanted to encourage other members of the community to step forward as well. Be one of the first 20 donors to come forward and donate $20 a month to the school. YOU select the area that you would like to support. Your gifts will be matched so that $240 becomes $480! We have many heroes in our community! Please join them to help make GNS the best it can be: