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Mentorship Takes Flight

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By Janna Sullivan As part of their inquiry into ‘How the World Works,’ our Kindergarten scientists recently partnered with members of our Senior School Science Team to investigate the suitability and durability of different building materials. Each group was challenged to design and construct a paper airplane that would withstand a launch from the heights of the “bridge” by the Dining Hall! With a focus on exploring how recycled materials behave and interact, our scientists enthusiastically communicated their design ideas, evaluating the potential effectiveness of cardboard, tinfoil, plastic, styrofoam, tape, and elastic as building supplies. A buzz of enthusiastic productivity quickly filled the Dining Hall as a wide variety of aircraft began to take shape for testing. Countdowns, cheers, and high-fives abounded as each team launched their plane from the bridge, tracking distances travelled and descent times. Thank you to Mrs. Dallin and our Senior School Team Science for mentoring our Kindergarten inquirers. This partnership resulted in a wealth of communication, thinking, problem-solving, risk-taking, and discovery. We’re already looking forward to our next visit!