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Round Square Spring Update

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There are currently two initiatives going on: one for Earth month and one for the ongoing Ukraine Crisis.

To celebrate Earth month, in collaboration with the Environmental Club, which is run by Environmental Prefect Eya Ibrahim ’22, Round Square will be hosting the “Earth Month Thrifted Fashion Show.” This will be a fashion show and clothing event with the goal of increasing the sustainability of clothing, mainly by reusing and repurposing used clothing, fabric, and other artifacts.

On the 22nd of April, it is officially Earth Day! Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world to support environmental protection. It began in 1970, and every year it is honoured in more than 193 countries.

As for what activities have been planned, in collaboration with Ms. Engelland from the Dining Hall, there will be a waste reduction day, which looks to produce garbage free lunches. There will also be a day where everyone is encouraged to use alternative modes of transportation such as walking, carpooling, taking the bus, or riding a bike! As there is around 1.6 billion tons of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere each year, it is important to note that every gallon of gasoline burned creates 20 pounds of greenhouse gasses. Riding a bike, taking public transportation, and even carpooling will help decrease the amount of harmful greenhouse gasses being released. There will also be a blackout day to raise awareness of energy consumption, as currently students use on average 5 kilowatt hours of energy each week. (Side note: this may actually be more when we use our computers to complete the many assignments assigned by our teachers. So maybe we shouldn’t be assigned so much homework?)

All these initiatives and activities are still in the works, so this is just a small sneak peek of what to expect after Spring Break. As plans are still being formalized, there is the possibility that they may change, for the better!

In support of crisis in Ukraine, with Ms. Smook’s help Round Square has set up a donation box in the Denford Hall foyer for those who are coming to see Mamma Mia. A toonie or loonie would be greatly appreciated, and all the funds collected will go towards the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Every little bit helps.

Watch for new updates after Spring Break for the Earth-month themed initiatives.