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Storytelling at PW

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By Janna Sullivan The Kindergarten classes were thrilled to visit with two of our resident storytellers recently. As part of their IB inquiry unit into how culture, traditions, and beliefs can be expressed through stories, our Kindergarteners are exploring all of the different ways that stories can be shared. This inquiry led them to Ms. Kate Pagett and Mr. Steve Thompson at our PW Campus. As faculty members of our Arts Department, both Ms. Pagett and Mr. Thompson create, retell, and communicate stories daily. Our Kindergarten risk-takers and communicators quickly jumped into creating stories during their visit. With Ms. Pagett, they explored how they could use their bodies to create poses and movements to convey stories. It was great fun to explore props as storytelling tools. With Mr. Thompson, our keen inquirers and thinkers explored how instruments create different sounds, and how these sounds can be used to evoke feelings and convey stories. With the help of our Kindergarten storytellers, Mr. Thompson showed how musicians use pitch and rhythm to bring a story to life. Thank you to Ms. Pagett and Mr. Thompson for sharing your storytelling expertise with our Kindergarteners. It won’t be too long before they’ll be joining you on the stage of Denford Hall, as part of your MS drama and band classes!