Self-Service Check-Out is up and running! Students from Grades 1 to 5 have all learned how to use the scanner and it is impressive how efficiently they can scan their barcode and books so fast! There are over 9,000 books to sign out, so this makes our collection easily accessible to our students. All grades can take their books home this year and so just a reminder that our GNS barcodes are placed vertically on the front covers and the Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) barcodes are placed horizontally. This makes it easy to get books back to the right library!
As we revisit different ways to look for information we have a very large zucchini and a mini-museum species at risk kit from the Royal BC Museum. The kit displays the Yellow-breasted chat—a secretive bird who only spends a small part of the year in BC and needs our protection. This provides a great opportunity to discuss that information can be presented in many different ways. It also provides a conversation starter as to what other places in our community can be sources of information.
Whether it be asking wonder questions with our littles in First Steps, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, exploring our collection for different genres or fact books to find answers to questions, or just plain sharing a love of reading through Grade 3 Book Buffet or Grade 5 Book Battle, our Learning Commons is always a busy place! For those who would like to read digital books we have e-books—mainly novels—available through SORA , which Grades 3 and up can access using their Google username and password.
Thank you so much for your recent book donations to our collection. We are always on the lookout for series’ (Wings of Fire, Dragon Masters, Rainbow Fairies, Boy Versus Beast, etc.) and graphic novels (Dogman, Amulet, Guts, etc.) as these are very popular and it is great to have extra copies on hand. A special thank you to Lulu White and the White family for the book, Zeal for Zebras: An Alphabet of Collective Nouns, by Woop Studios which is the book connected to our amazing art prints on display in the Beach Drive Office.
Please email if you have any questions or requests for books you’d like to see in the Beach Drive collection!