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Welcome to the New Beach Drive Learning Commons!

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Although our beautiful new shelves have not yet arrived for the Beach Drive Learning Commons, we are circulating physical books to all of our students. The Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grades 1 to 3 students will each choose a special book each week to have at their desk. The Grade 4s and 5s are able to choose books to have in their desks or to take home. Students are able to request titles they wish to read from myself or Mrs. Ianna Breese, our Library Technician. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, browsing the collection is not possible at this time. Book returns occur during each student’s Learning Commons lesson day. Books are quarantined for 72 hours before being put back into circulation. Our e-book service, SORA (by Overdrive) is set up and students can access it at home. To access SORA visit: Students use their school email and password to log-in. Currently, two books can be taken out by a patron at a time. They are easy to sign out and return after a two-week lending period. Here is an intro video if you haven’t used SORA before: To return books, students access their ‘shelf’, click on ‘options’ and select ‘return.’ This week the Grade 1s have had Story Workshop. They authored a story together and each illustrated their collaborative ideas. The Grade 4 Library Squad has kicked off with 14 keen members to help celebrate, advertise and organize literary e-events for our students. Stay tuned! Our Grade 5 Innovation Lab has begun and fifteen Grade 5s will embark on explorations using Spheros, Ozobots, Little Bits and Micro:bits. Mrs. Durovick and I look forward to celebrating their findings over the coming months. Thank you to Sarah Emslie and Jecca Menzies for your recent book donations. Any questions? Just ask!