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Thanks to You We’re Growing!

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By Rachel Davey If you’ve visited Pemberton Woods or the Beach recently, you might have noticed these banners on display. They show just how successful the Annual Appeal has been over the past five years – all thanks to your participation! In 2017/2018, more parents and staff members participated in the Annual Fund than ever before in the history of the school. Four years ago, 18% of parents and 61% of staff members made a gift to GNS. This past year, parent participation is at 53% and staff participation climbed to a whopping 95%. These are truly extraordinary results! If you are wondering how this compares to similar schools, the benchmark average was 34% for parent participation in 2016/2017 among CAIS (Canadian Accredited Independent Schools) schools. Among other things, your generosity helped us fund our priority projects, including specialized learning furniture for the Junior School, multimedia projectors, and Phase 2 of the Gudewill Gym Refurbishment. GNS is a community that understands the power of working together. To view a complete list of everyone who made a donation, and to enjoy our thank you video click here. In the coming months we will be launching the 2018/2019 Annual Appeal, and we look forward to growing even more. Our goal is for every family and staff member to give at whatever level they are able. It’s not what you give, it’s that you give! The Appeal Annual helps make our great school truly exceptional. Every gift—large and small—creates opportunities that enrich student life which tuition alone cannot provide. To find out more, visit